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Limited tickets left for the Faces of Courage benefit gala on April 11, featuring former NYPD detective Katrina Brownlee.

It is important to recognize that you cannot make decisions for your friends or change their actions. What you CAN do is offer them a judgment-free space to express their emotions where they feel safe to do so.

Stalking is a pattern of repeated, harassing, or threatening behavior that invades a victim's personal and digital spaces. According to SPARC, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men experience stalking in their lifetime, often by someone they know, such as a current or former partner. Common stalking tactics include unwanted communication, following, sending gifts, or gathering personal information.

January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month, which provides me an opportunity to share some of the complexities surrounding the issue as a Commercial Sexual Exploitation in Children trainer. Human trafficking is a very real public health issue and crime in communities all over the world, including ours.

Press Release - Domestic violence survivor and former NYPD detective Katrina Brownlee will headline Faces of Hope's 4th annual benefit gala on April 11, 2025, at Boise Centre.

Gentle parenting is an evidence-based approach to raising emotionally stable, respectful, and independent children. Through empathy, clear boundaries, and positive discipline, gentle parenting helps kids develop emotional regulation and understand consequences. This style supports healthy, resilient relationships and lifelong emotional health. Learn how gentle parenting shapes our children’s future.

Scentsy and Faces of Hope team up for the 11th Annual Scentsy Rock-a-Thon, taking place on Friday, September 6 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

According to research by The Gottman Institute, negative behaviors like contempt, criticism, defensiveness, and stonewalling are strong indicators of a troubled relationship. These behaviors, known as the "Four Horsemen," erode trust, communication, and connection, potentially leading to relationship breakdowns. To maintain a healthy relationship, it's important to recognize and address these behaviors early, focusing on positive interactions and effective communication.

Faces of Hope opened its Boise location on July 15 to support survivors. Faces of Hope offers immediate assistance at two locations – one in downtown Boise and one in Meridian. With two locations, services for victims are more accessible than ever before.

Access to basic hygiene supplies like soap, toothpaste, menstrual products, and deodorant helps survivors feel clean and cared for during a challenging time, promoting both physical and mental health. These items can also restore a sense of normalcy and self-worth, empowering survivors to take the first steps toward rebuilding their lives. In emergency situations, such as when fleeing abusive environments, having immediate access to hygiene products can significantly alleviate stress, especially for those with children, and improve the quality of life of those in crisis.

It’s important to recognize that self-love isn’t just a powerful-sounding statement; it’s an essential foundation of our well-being. Self-love may sound simple, but it requires genuine dedication and patience. And who deserves that more than yourself?

The Home Depot Foundation donated nearly $5,000 worth of materials to Faces of Hope to completely redesign three rooms at Faces of Hope’s new Meridian location.

Bystanders have the power to help stop the abuse before it happens. Intervening in an abusive situation sends a powerful message to not only the perpetrator but to others who witness it as well. This message conveys that the behaviors displayed, whether they be sexual harassment, yelling, physical violence, or something else, are unacceptable and must end.

Faces of Hope founder, Jean Fisher discussed the life-changing wraparound services of Faces of Hope at the United Nations. Fisher spoke at the Status on the Commission of Women 68th Session Parallel event in the discussion titled: Walking Together for Holistic Well-being: Alternative Practices from Women’s Centers.

Fisher was invited by the Turkish Women and Democracy Foundation (KADEM) and spoke about the creation and mission of Faces of Hope and how to best address victimization of domestic violence.

With limited seats left for this empowering fundraiser, individuals are urged to secure their tickets promptly. Drea Kelly, a dancer, choreographer and motivational speaker, has transformed her personal journey of marital abuse to disgraced R&B star R. Kelly into a relentless mission to empower survivors of abuse.

Self-confidence and a healthy, positive relationship with our body image are major components of the human experience. Those with low self-confidence tend to avoid social situations and avoid pushing themselves towards the unknown. This can inhibit the formation or strengthening of relationships, prevent growth within a company, and lead to a more subjectively poor mental health state.

Dating after an abusive relationship can be a challenging journey. It is crucial to approach this process with self-compassion, awareness, and a commitment to help rebuild healthy relationships. In this post, we will look into some key insights to help those trying to date after abuse.

Creating healthy boundaries within your relationships provides many benefits including, but not limited to, improving self-esteem, strengthening relationships, self-control, avoiding unhealthy connections and overall improving well-being. With the absence of healthy boundaries, the risk of toxic, abusive and/or unsatisfying relationships become more probable.

Faces of Hope is pleased to announce the long-awaited opening of its Meridian location on Thursday, January 25. The Meridian office will provide access to counseling, case management, and legal support services for crisis victims escaping an abusive situation.

Stalking is a serious problem affecting many people, more commonly women. Stalking can occur in many different social associations, such as intimate partners, relatives, acquaintances and strangers. Stalking causes a variety of negative consequences, such as emotional and financial problems

Faces of Hope announces advocate and survivor Drea Kelly as the speaker at their Faces of Courage luncheon at Boise Centre April 9, 2024. Drea, a prominent dancer, choreographer, entrepreneur, actress, and motivational speaker, has transformed her personal experiences of marital abuse into a relentless mission to be “a voice for the voiceless.”

There are many non-monetary gifts you can give to support the community of survivors of abuse we serve.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and we want to chat about the fundamental elements of healthy relationships. Healthy relationships provide us with support, love, and a sense of belonging. To achieve a healthy relationship, it’s essential to understand and practice crucial principles like consent, boundaries, and respect.

Margo Anderson, Faces of Hope Foundation’s attorney, honored as an Idaho Business Review Leader in Law.

After seven years of public service and support for survivors, Carolyn Holly, Faces of Hope’s president, is retiring.

Suicide is a deeply sensitive and complex topic that has far-reaching effects on individuals, families, and communities. It’s a subject that deserves to be approached with care, empathy, and accurate information. We aim to debunk some myths and give you steps you can take to help support someone.

With the school year nearing, the crisis counselors at Faces of Hope want to remind families of an essential school supply no child should be without. Aside from paper, pencils, and backpacks, your child also needs another supply for a safe school year: an understanding of body safety and boundaries.

On Thursday, June 15, we will celebrate World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. With around 5 million older people being abused, neglected, or taken advantage of every year, it’s a growing problem worldwide.

Denim Day occurs on the last Wednesday of April each year during Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Join millions across the globe and stand in solidarity with survivors by wearing jeans for a purpose.

It is estimated that one in four girls, and one in six boys will experience sexual abuse before the age of 18. Child sexual abuse is most often perpetrated by someone known and trusted by the child and the child’s family.

Oftentimes when we think about stressful or urgent situations, we see ourselves as the individual who would be willing to intervene and lend a helping hand. But research has shown that even in an emergency situation, a bystander who is surrounded by others is less likely to help than we would think.

Self-harm, or NSSI, is when a person harms their own body intending to seek temporary relief from emotional pain or overwhelmingly negative feelings. For some, NSSI gives a sense of control when life feels out of control.

Teen dating violence can happen in many forms, such as verbal aggression, psychological turmoil, and physical and sexual abuse toward a partner.

Faces of Hope welcomes former elite gymnast Maggie Nichols to Boise on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, for a luncheon at the Boise Centre. Until her testimony, Maggie was known as Athlete A – the first USA gymnast to report the abuse.

Survivors of trauma may notice this stress to a higher degree. But there is hope! The holidays can be enjoyed and cherished, and implementing the strategies found below may help manage holiday stress and triggers.

Our clinic serves a critical need in our community through this unique, innovative partnership with Faces of Hope. Working with such bright and compassionate soon-to-be new lawyers serving a great need in our community is the best of all worlds for me and creates strong leaders in our community committed to future service.

In late July, 15 young women ages 12-17 attended a fun-filled and educational day camp at Faces of Hope facilitated by St. Luke’s CARES representatives, the Boise Police Department, and Faces of Hope.

Faces of Hope partners with the University of Idaho College of Law Family Justice Clinic. This program allows legal students to develop their skills and gain real-world experience while providing these critical services to survivors of abuse in Boise.