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What to Expect

You will be met by a staff member.

When you arrive at Faces of Hope, please ring the video doorbell and inform the person on the intercom that you would like to complete an intake. Upon entry, you will be greeted by a compassionate member of our team who will guide you to a secure and comfortable room. Here, you will have the opportunity to share your experience and discuss the support you are interested in within a safe and supportive environment. Our team member will conduct an initial assessment to better understand your immediate circumstances, allowing us to provide personalized care, arrange appointments, and connect you with other helpful resources. If coming in person is challenging for any reason, you have the option to complete the intake process over the phone.

You will be believed.

Faces of Hope offers wraparound crisis support and services to help you navigate your healing journey. After the initial assessment, we will ensure a smooth transition to the appropriate team member who can provide the counseling, case management, legal assistance, safety planning, and/or educational support you have determined would be beneficial. We offer survivor-focused resources for those who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, elder abuse, stalking, and/or human trafficking. It's important to note that individuals who do not align with our mission, including offenders of abuse, are not eligible for our services or resources.

Our primary focus is to provide you with immediate support.

We offer a selection of snacks, coffee, tea, juice, water, and blankets to provide comfort. Additionally, we keep diapers, wipes, various hygiene products, and menstrual items readily available. If lack of childcare is an issue, our dedicated team, all thoroughly screened, can supervise your children in our lobby. We provide games, toys, and a variety of movies for their entertainment. If your child finds comfort with a stuffed animal or blanket in our lobby, they are welcome to take it with them. We want children to feel safe and comforted during their time with us.

At the end of your visit, a team member will provide you with a short exit survey. This helps us ensure that you feel supported during your visits. We will use this time to schedule any additional follow-up appointments and provide a safe space for any further questions you may have.


Client's Rights

1) You have a right to impartial access to services at Faces of Hope regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, association, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by federal law. 

2) You have the right to be treated with dignity and respect at Faces of Hope. 

3) You have the right to privacy during appointments and other interactions. Prior consent will be collected in cases of third-party involvement.

4) You have the right to personal safety while at Faces of Hope. 

5) You have the right to know the identity and professional status of all individuals involved with your care. 

6) You have the right to confidentiality at Faces of Hope. Your client records are confidential and cannot be released without your written or verbal consent except under court order or when written consent is given by you, your guardian, or conservator. Faces of Hope staff are mandated reporters and may have to report suspected child abuse and/or vulnerable adult and/or elder abuse. 

7) You have the right to informed participation in discussions involving your care. 

8) You have the right to request language assistance. Faces of Hope will make reasonable efforts to access an interpreter and/or translator at your request. 

9) You have the right, at your own expense, to consult with a specialist or seek a second opinion. 

10) You have the right to be informed of any transfers of your care. You will be provided with the information needed for follow-up and will have access to a discharge plan. 

11) You have a right to discontinue services with Faces of Hope at any time, for any reason. 

If you feel your rights are being violated in any way, you may contact the program manager or executive director.