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Support Services and Classes

Faces of Hope provides services to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, elder abuse, stalking, and human trafficking. 

These services are available at both locations.

Click on the title to learn more about each service.

  • Protection Orders

    A member of our team can help you complete a protection order form which can typically be filed the same day.

    What is a Civil Protection Order (CPO)? This is a civil court order that can help to protect you by preventing offenders from contacting you. You do not need an attorney to request a Protection Order and it is free to apply. Call Faces at (208) 986-4357 and a staff member will help you complete and file the form. You can file your protection order at Faces of Hope or at the Ada County Courthouse.

    Learn more about Protection Orders here.

  • Safety Planning

    A trained advocate will collaborate with you to customize a safety plan. Call 208-986-4357 to discuss your options and schedule a time to make a plan. 

    You can create a safety plan specific to your physical, psychological, and emotional needs. This can help you feel safe and secure in different scenarios. Your plan is designed to assist you with preparing to leave, while you are leaving, after you leave or if you are wanting to stay in the relationship safely. Once finished, you will be given a certificate of completion. Call today for help or to schedule a time to make a safety plan

    Learn more about safety planning here.

  • Legal Resources

    Faces of Hope’s Attorney, in collaboration with the University of Idaho College of Law Family Justice Clinic, offers legal assistance to survivors of interpersonal violence seeking civil protection orders and navigating various civil court matters such as divorce, custody disputes, evictions, and name changes. Third-year law students, licensed by the Idaho Supreme Court, may represent clients in court for Civil Protection Orders under the supervision of clinical faculty members from the University of Idaho. The availability of representation depends on the availability of our Attorney, Law Clinic students, and their Supervising Attorney.

    Both a Faces of Hope intake and a legal intake must be completed before any meeting with the FOH Attorney or a law school clinician.

  • Case Management

    Case managers provide services to Faces of Hope clients that indicate needing assistance with their basic needs. Individuals are assisted in setting asset-based, trauma-informed goals related to housing, employment, medical, completing victims’ compensation applications, and more. These services are free. For more information, please call 208-986-4357.

  • Short-Term Counseling

    Short-term counseling has defined goals that work towards helping you achieve safety and stability. The objective is to provide you with emotional support, along with feedback and assistance. Short-term counseling facilitates problem-solving, while also coordinating access to available resources in the community. If needed, the counselor will also help you to find long-term counseling services that best meets your individual needs after our multi-week assistance has ended. Short-term counseling is done by appointment, although we do keep emergency appointments open for same-day visits.  

Other Support Services

  • Hope's Closet

    Hope’s Closet provides clothing and hygiene supplies to clients at Faces of Hope. This resource is available on a case-by-case basis. Available items include shampoo, conditioner, soap, combs, razors, period products, toothbrushes, pepper spray, diapers, and more. The closet includes men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing and shoes – all new with tags.

  • Emergency Assistance – Gas, Grocery, Emergency Shelter, and Lyft

    In times of emergent need, Faces of Hope can supply gas and grocery gift cards, as well as short-term emergency housing if another, more permanent solution has been arranged. If a taxi or Lyft is needed to get to and from Faces of Hope for appointments, a staff member can set that up in advance or the same day. These services are provided on a case-by-case basis. 

  • Car Seat Checks/Installation

    We have staff at both locations who are certified car seat technicians. Anyone in the community, even those who are not Faces of Hope clients, can schedule a free car seat safety check or installation with our staff during normal business hours. The child in question must be in attendance. Please give us a call to schedule at 208-986-HELP.

Classes & Support Groups

Please call 208.986.4357 (HELP) to sign up for classes.

Click here for directions and contact information.

  • Empowerment Class

    Our empowerment class is specific to domestic violence. The class is held once a week; you can jump into the classes at any point, since they are held on a cyclical basis. During the 4-week class, you will learn about domestic violence, the effects on yourself and your children, and how to develop healthy boundaries in relationships. 

    When: Every Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 pm at our Meridian location

    Intake must be completed prior to attending –  Call 208-986-4357 Monday through Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm. Child watch is available onsite upon request.

  • Process Group (Group Counseling)

    Our process group is held once a week and includes 12 sessions, but you may join at any point in the 12-week cycle. Group members discuss experiences related to interpersonal violence and its impact on their lives. By fostering support, learning from each other, and finding healing, group members can share difficulties, fears, successes, and insights with peers in a safe and supportive environment. The group is facilitated by a licensed therapist. 

    When: Every Thursday from 10-11:30 am at our Meridian location

    Intake must be completed prior to attending –  Call 208-986-4357 Monday through Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm. Child watch is available onsite upon request.

  • Going to Court with Confidence Support Group

    Help familiarize you with the typical court environment and common expectations and give you tools for taming anxiety. This support group provides education and relaxation for upcoming court hearings.

    BOISE- 1st Thursday of the month 10-11:30 am
    MERIDIAN - 3rd Friday of the month 3-4:30 pm

    Intake must be completed prior to attending –  Call 208-986-4357 Monday through Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm. Child watch is available onsite upon request.

  • Divorce Coaching Class

    Our clients can schedule a one-on-one session with a certified divorce coach. This class is ideal for those who are facing the unique challenges of divorce and co-parenting. We’ll develop a personalized plan to help you manage the legal, financial, and emotional aspects of your situation. The focus is on minimizing conflict, making informed decisions, and creating a stable, loving environment for your children.

    When: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays - 7-8:30 pm

    Intake must be completed prior to utilizing our divorce coach's services – Call 208-986-4357 Monday through Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. 

  • Trauma-Informed Yoga Class

    Sessions focus on yoga poses and slow movements that are proven to relax the brain and assist with decreasing symptoms related to trauma. You will not break a sweat - Yoga Nidra is a passive and meditative form of yoga that focuses on breath work, relaxation, and releasing tension from your body. Space is limited and a reservation is required to attend.

    When: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. – at our Boise office

    Intake must be completed prior to attending –  Call 208-986-4357 Monday through Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm. Child watch is available onsite upon request.

  • Safety Planning Class - By appointment only

    This class is for those seeking a safety plan to drop a No Contact Order. Trained advocates and case managers collaborate with participants to create a safety plan to address their physical, physiological, and emotional needs. This can help you feel safe and secure in a number of different scenarios. If you would like a safety plan to modify or drop a Criminal No Contact Order, you must come to the class and be actively engaged to receive a certificate.

    When: By appointment

    Intake must be completed prior to utilizing safety planning services – Call 208-986-4357 Monday through Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. Child watch is available onsite upon request.