"My ex-husband left after threatening to kill me, then attempting to strangle me. It ended up being a gift that he left and I didn't have to find a way to leave him with all three of my kids, especially still nursing my daughter.
I had realized that I was in a domestic abuse situation with him while I was pregnant with my first. He gave me a black eye with a chair as I was trying to get away during a fight. He faced charges, but of course it was me who got him out of it. I had started seeing a counselor with the intention to "fix myself” so I could save my marriage. I had safety codes with my family in place (even though they didn't really believe me), a secret phone, a secret bank account, and diapers/extra clothes for my kids hidden in my car.
If there is one thing that stands out the most about my experience with Faces of Hope, it was that you BELIEVED me. You checked in or were there to answer my call every day through that terrifying time. You guided me through each step, including the scariest, which was representing myself in my hearing for the protection order I had against him (thank you again, Margo [our on-staff attorney]). You coordinated care seamlessly with the WCA. I felt held, heard, supported, and comforted in ways I could have never imagined, and for the first time, that I was not alone.
You helped me find hope that I could have a healthy life for myself and my children. And now, I do. Largely thanks to all of you."